
NewPro CYANEX - Wood Bleaching Agent & Paint Stripper

Product Description

NewPro-CYANEX is a wood bleaching agent consisting of 3 components.

CYANEX I is a Paint Stripper. It removes all paints resp. paint remains from solid wood and veneer and prepares the underground for the following processing steps.

CYANEX II is a Bleaching Agent. After preparation with CYANEX I solid wood and veneer can be given the desired colour again and it is highly suitable for the removal of stains (lime and cement stains, ink stains, blue colouration of fir etc. )

CYANEX III is a Neutralisation Agent. It serves as a secondary treatment of the wood or verneer previously treated with CYANEX I and II and neutralises the underground. It is also suitable for the removal of fresh lime and cement stains.

Application resp. Processing Information

CYANEX I (Paint Stripper):

Ready-to-use dilution;
Remove surface soiling and scaling varnish, take off iron parts (like locks) or cover thoroughly
Apply CYANEX I with a synthetic brush, let cure depending on soiling and kind of wood approx. 10 min. to 1 hour. Apply bottom-up at vertical areas. The wood colouring up to rich brown (oak) signifies the depth of penetration.
 - soft wood, shorter curing time (e.g. pine, fir)
 - hard wood, longer curing time (e.g. oak)

CYANEX I should not be used during high solar irradiation (risk of drying while processing)
Consumption: 1 Liter for approx. 4 – 8 m2


CYANEX II (Bleaching Agent):

Ready-to-use dilution;
Preparation: Pretreatment with CYANEX I according to instructions
Apply CYANEX II with brush thoroughly onto the surface until formation of white crests (may differ depending on soiling and type of varnish). After approx. 10 minutes curing time, wipe off foam with cloth or sponge. In case of remaining stains, repeat processing with CYANEX I and CYANEX II.
Continue with CYANEX III according to instructions.
CYANEX II should not be used during high solar irradiation (risk of drying while processing)

Consumption:1 Liter for approx. 4 – 8 m²


CYANEX III (Neutralisation Agent):

Ready-to-use dilution;
Preparation:Pretreatment with CYANEX I and CYANEX II according to instructions

Apply CYANEX III with brush and let cure for approx. 10 minutes, afterwards water area thoroughly (until no white crests appear anymore).

When treating oak, do not use CYANEX III, just water thoroughly. Oak wood moght otherwise change to an atypical colouring.

After sufficient desiccation After sufficient desiccation of workpiece, approx. 1-3 weeks at wood moisture below 17 %, a protective layer (varnish or glaze) can be applied.
CYANEX III should not be used during high solar irradiation (risk of drying while processing)
Consumption:1 Liter for approx. 4 – 8 m²


Product Characteristics of the Products CYANEX I – CYANEX III

The product CYANEX I is highly alkaline, therefore it is a corrosive product.

The product CYANEX II and III are strong acids, therefore they are corrosive products.

In addition CYANEX II is a fire-intensifying substance according to the actual German Ordinance on Hazardous Substances.

When working with the products it is therefore absolutely necessary that media-resistant protective goggles with side protection, protective gloves and protective clothing are worn.

Please consult the safety data sheets for further information.

Delivery Form

Container sizes: 0, 5 ltr., 1 ltr., 5 ltr., 10 ltr.

Further container sizes according to our actual price list.


Storable at room temperature in the original closed container for at least 12 months. Protect from frost, heat and dampness.

In case the storage life of 12 months has been exceeded, then the quality of the product should be tested before use.

Other Information


Only completely empty containers should be recycled. Containers with remains of the product should be given to the hazardous waste collection point. Material residues should be given to a special waste disposal point.

Safeguard Measures

Information with reference to the safety advice on the container is to be observed and the appropriate accident prevention regulations for the responsible trade association are to be followed during processing of the products.

Please refer to further information from the data safety sheet for the individual product.

Safety Advice

This technical information is based on the newest technical standard and our experience. In view of the variety of sub surfaces, underground types and object conditions, the user is not released from his responsibilities for checking that the planned use of the product corresponds with the individual object conditions and that these are according to the demands of trade and working skills.

As the use and processing of the product lie outside of our influence, the contents of the technical information sheet cannot lead to a liability of the manufacturer. Our General Terms and Conditions of Sale apply.

Please refer to the data safety sheet of the product for further information.

This version of the Product Data Sheet loses its validity in the case of a new edition of this publication.


Status: 15.08.2013

Graffiti Protection
Reinigung & Pflege


Graffiti Protection
NewPro CYANEX - Wood Bleaching Agent & Paint Stripper




