
Climb Stopper

- Protection against Break-ins, Burglaries, Vandalism and High/Vertical-Climbing Stopper

Product Description

Climb Stopper is a specially developed surface coating designed to scare away burglars and vandals. When Climb Stopper is applied to the surface of an object, its thick, slippery surface makes it difficult or prevents vertical climbing. Due to its non-drying properties and strong coating formation, Climb Stopper dirties or soils hands, clothing and shoes.

Range of Application

Climb Stopper is designed for a wide range of surfaces. Climb Stopper is most often applied on the surface of down pipes. It is just as effective on the top of masonry (stone or brick walls), in the area of the eaves of roofs and along the top of fences.

Climb Stopper can be applied to the following base surfaces:

  • Brick
  • Concrete
  • Metal
  • Plastic
  • Stone
  • Wood.

Product Characteristics

Climb Stopper displays the following product characteristics:

  • easy to use and work with
  • odorless
  • reduces algae and moss build-up
  • resistant against salt, acid rain and exhaust emissions
  • suitable for airless spray (sprayable)
  • weatherproof/resistant.

Technical Data

For further instructions, notices or cautions, refer to the Climb Stopper safety data sheets.

Procedural Instructions

Surface preparation: Surfaces must be clean, dry and free of grease. Thoroughly remove all grime, dust deposits, efflorescence and moss or vegetation through washing, careful steaming, or hydraulic blasting. Remove any parts which are loose able to be damaged or not able to handle a load or pressure.

Processing: Apply a thick coating evenly to the surface with a paintbrush, a spattle, or an airless spraying device. The recommended coating should cover between 2 – 4 m² per 1 liter.

Machine/Mechanical Application: Climb Stopper can be applied using standard airless spraying devices.

Notice: Climb Stopper is not mixable. The product characteristics are negatively influenced when mixed with water as well as chemicals and other foreign substances. The possible uses or applications of Climb Stopper are versatile. In order to check the suitability of the surface, we recommend that you carry out your own test to determine the durability and stability of Climb Stopper. If you have any questions regarding the application or suitability of the surface, please contact us.

Notice of Caution: Climb Stopper should only be used on objects or surfaces which lie in places located higher than the top of head level and out of reach of public areas, in order to avoid inadvertent contact with the substance. Just as well, we recommend placing warning signs against climbing in order to avoid injury. Warning sings can be directly ordered from NewPro.


  • the recommended coating thickness is 1 liter should cover a surface area between 2 to 4 m².

This is simply a recommended standard, which in end effect depends on the layer of thickness as well as the absorbency of the surface area structure of the surface. An exact amount of material needed can only be determined by a sample coating on the surface of the object.

Required Conditions for Use/Application

The application can be carried out with a surface area and air temperature between min. + 5° Celsius and max. + 30° Celsius. Climb Stopper is not to be applied when temperatures exceed + 25° Celsius under direct sunlight.

Cleaning of Tools Subsequent to Use:

  • Immediately after use, wash tools with water, and if possible with cleaning detergents, solvents or thinner.

Form of Delivery

Units Per Package:

  • 1 Liter packages
  • 5 Liter packages.


  • Jet Black.

Form of Delivery


  • Unlabeled and non-hazardous.


  • Cool, frost-free, in original closed package with a shelf life of approximately 1 year.

Work Hygiene

Before breaks and at the end working with the product, wash hands thoroughly. Do not eat, drink or smoke during use. Avoid eye and skin contact with the product. Where appropriate, wear protective clothing during use or application.

For further instructions or notices, refer to the Climb Stopper safety data sheets.

Precautionary Measures

Climb Stopper should only be used on objects or surfaces which lie in places located higher than the top of head level and out of reach of public areas, in order to avoid inadvertent contact with the substance. Just as well, we recommend placing warning signs against climbing in order to avoid injury. Warning sings can be directly ordered from NewPro.

For further instructions or notices, refer to the Climb Stopper safety data sheets.

Saftey Precautions

Keep away from children. Keep containers sealed tightly closed. In the event of eye contact, immediately wash eyes out with water. In the event of skin contact, wash skin thoroughly with water and soap. If necessary, seek the advice of a doctor or physician. Do not smoke during application and use. If swallowed seek immediate medical advice and show the packaging or product label to the treating physician.

For further instructions or notices, refer to the Climb Stopper safety data sheets.

Protective Measures

The technical advice regarding the use and application of our products is the result of extensive research and development as well as many years of experience, which results in the best knowledge. The different kinds of requirements of an object, under varying conditions, make it necessary for the user to check the suitability for the intended purpose. We reserve the right to effectuate changes which serve to affect the technical advance or improvement of our product.

For further instructions or notices, refer to the Climb Stopper safety data sheets.



