
NewPro-GE 209 Graffiti Remover - System Cleaner for NewPro-GR 205 and NewPro-GR 206 Graffiti Protection System

NewPro-209 Graffiti RemoverDescription

Graffiti Remover is used as an environmentally safe remover of spray paints and marking pens on synthetic material surfaces, or surfaces coated with synthetics, painted or lacquered, which have been coated with NewPro-GS-205/NewPro-GS 206 – Graffiti-Protective-System.

Range of Application and Use

Graffiti Remover is used as an environmentally safe remover of spray paints and marking pens on synthetic material surfaces, or surfaces coated with synthetics, painted or lacquered, which have been coated with NewPro-GS-205/NewPro-GS 206 – Graffiti-Protective-System such as:

  • Containers
  • Facade coverings
  • Machine parts
  • Rail vehicles
  • Surfaces of synthetic materials.

Product Characteristics/Features

NewPro-GE 209 is a graffiti cleaner, which is based on aromatic hydrocarbons. Further properties include:

  • Easy to apply
  • Can be used with 1-K-water-based lacquers
  • Odorless.

Technical Data

Adhesive Basis:

  • Aromatic hydrocarbons, surface-active substances and auxiliary substances.

Specific weight:

  • Approximately 0. 98 g/cm³ (at +20°C).

Instruction for Application and Use

Application: NewPro-GE 209 Graffiti Remover can be directly brushed or sprayed onto the graffiti or soiled surface. After the period of time required for the product to take effect, the dissolved particles and paint rest can be simply washed off or rinsed off with warm water. Warning: Do not allow NewPro-GE 209 Graffiti Remover to dry onto the surfaces!

Notice: The product has a wide range of applications. It is, therefore, recommended that a test be made to the surface to determine the suitability and durability of the product to the surface.

Machine Application: NewPro-GE 209 Graffiti Remover can be applied using a standard airless spraying device.


  • Approximately 50 to 200 ml per 1 m².

This is only a standard value, which can vary depending upon the layer thickness and the degree of soiling and grime and the structure of the surface. An exact amount of required material for the intened purpose is to be determined with a test application to the surface of the object.

Time to Take Effect:

  • Approximately 0.5 to 12 minutes at approximately 20°C.

depending upon the thickness of the layer of graffiti or soiling which is to be removed. Required conditions for Use/Application Cleaning can be effectuated with a surface and area temperature between a min. +5°C and max. +30°C.

Cleaning of Tools:

  • Clean immediately after use with water.

Delivery Form

Units Per Package:

  • Units Per Package L with 25 x 1 liter
  • Units Per Package M with 10 x 1 liter
  • Units Per Package S with 5 x 1 liter.


  • Colorless.

Further Instructions


  • Required labeling: IRRITANT (= Xi) and non-hazardous.


  • Can be stored when cool, frost-free in the original closed packaging for approximately 1 year.

Work Hygiene

Before breaks and at the end working with the product, wash hands thoroughly. Do not eat, drink or smoke during use. Avoid eye and skin contact with the product.

Protective Clothing

Wear protective goggles when using the product. Wear solvent proof gloves for protection of hands.

Safety Precautions

Do not spray on or apply to hot surfaces. Do not allow NewPro-GE 209 Graffiti Remover to dry to the surfaces! Keep away from children. Keep containers sealed tightly closed. With use indoors or in enclosed areas, ensure good ventilation. In the event of eye contact, immediately flush eyes out with lots of clean water. In the event of skin contact, wash skin thoroughly with water and soap. Do not smoke during application and use. If swallowed seek immediate medical advice and show the packaging or product label to the treating physician. Slight chance of toxicity when inhaled, swallowed or through contact to the skin. If swallowed, induce vomiting to reduce the risk of entering lungs. Long-term or repeated skin contact can result in irritation. Treat with skin protective lotions.

Instructions Regarding Ecological Disposal

The mixture of NewPro-GE 209 Graffiti Remover and old paints must be disposed of as hazardous waste. The wastewater reacts neutrally and contains no inorganic materials, which can affect the salinity. When disposing in the public sewage systems, follow the corresponding valid indirect discharge regulations of the German states (Bundesländer) and the drainage regulations of the European Community. With separated canal/sewage systems, do not pour into the rainwater sewage system. Do not pour or dispose of into natural bodies of water. With respect to CSB-biodegradable tests, no additional damage to natural bodies of water occur after the passage through a mechanical biological water treatment plant.

Safety and Protective Measures

The technical advice regarding the use and application of our products is the result of extensive research and development as well as many years of experience, according to the best of our knowledge. The different kinds of requirements of an object, under varying conditions, make it necessary for the user to check the suitability for the intended purpose. We reserve the right to effectuate changes, which serve to affect the technical advance or improvement of our product.

This product is intended for commercial use only!



